Convert 1000 Baht to SGD using the current exchange rate. Stay updated with real-time conversions for accurate financial planning and smooth transactions.
1000 Baht to SGD
When you need to convert 1000 Thai Baht to SGD, it’s important to check the latest exchange rate to ensure you get the most accurate value. As exchange rates fluctuate, use reliable sources for precise currency conversions.
Instant 1000 Baht to SGD Conversion
Get the most accurate conversion for 1000 Baht to SGD and ensure smooth exchanges for both business and personal needs.
Thailand Baht to Singapore Dollar Exchange – Live Conversion Rates
Amount (THB) | Converted Value (SGD) |
100 Baht | 4.10 SGD |
200 Baht | 8.20 SGD |
500 Baht | 20.50 SGD |
1,000 Baht | 41.00 SGD |
2,000 Baht | 82.00 SGD |
5,000 Baht | 205.00 SGD |
10,000 Baht | 410.00 SGD |
15,000 Baht | 615.00 SGD |
20,000 Baht | 820.00 SGD |
25,000 Baht | 1,025.00 SGD |
30,000 Baht | 1,230.00 SGD |
50,000 Baht | 2,050.00 SGD |
75,000 Baht | 3,075.00 SGD |
100,000 Baht | 4,100.00 SGD |
150,000 Baht | 6,150.00 SGD |
200,000 Baht | 8,200.00 SGD |
250,000 Baht | 10,250.00 SGD |
500,000 Baht | 20,500.00 SGD |
750,000 Baht | 30,750.00 SGD |
1,000,000 Baht | 41,000.00 SGD |
2,000,000 Baht | 82,000.00 SGD |
5,000,000 Baht | 205,000.00 SGD |
10,000,000 Baht | 410,000.00 SGD |
Baht Thailand (THB) Stats Wiki:
Name | Thai Baht |
Symbol | ฿ |
Minor Unit | 1/100 = Satang |
Banknotes (Freq. Used) | ฿20, ฿50, ฿100, ฿500, ฿1000 |
Banknotes (Rarely Used) | ฿10 |
Coins (Freq. Used) | 25 satang, 50 satang, ฿1, ฿2, ฿5, ฿10 |
Coins (Rarely Used) | 1 satang, 5 satang, 10 satang |
Central Bank | Bank of Thailand |
Central Bank Website | Bank of Thailand |
Inflation | 1.8% (2024 estimate) |
Issuance | Bank of Thailand |
Printer | Note Printing Works, Bank of Thailand |
Printer Website | Note Printing Works |
Mint | Royal Thai Mint |
Mint Website | Royal Thai Mint |
Pegged by | 1000 Baht to SGD |
Singapura Dollar (SGD) Stats Wiki
Name | Singapore Dollar |
Symbol | S$ |
Minor Unit | 1/100 = Cent |
Banknotes (Freq. Used) | S$2, S$5, S$10, S$50, S$100 |
Coins (Freq. Used) | 5¢, 10¢, 20¢, 50¢, S$1 |
Rarely Used | S$1,000 |
Central Bank | Monetary Authority of Singapore (MAS) |
Central Bank Website | Monetary Authority of Singapore |
Inflation | 2.2% (2024 estimate) |
Issuance | Monetary Authority of Singapore |
Printer Website | Currency Printing Office (MAS) |
Mint | Singapore Mint |
Mint Website | Singapore Mint |
Pegged by | 1000 Baht to SGD |
Convert Thai Baht to SGD – Latest Rates and Updates
100 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 100 Baht ≈ 4.10 SGD
10,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 10,000 Baht ≈ 410.00 SGD
2,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 2,000 Baht ≈ 82.00 SGD
4,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 4,000 Baht ≈ 164.00 SGD
3,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 3,000 Baht ≈ 123.00 SGD
5,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 5,000 Baht ≈ 205.00 SGD
500 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 500 Baht ≈ 20.50 SGD
1,500 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 1,500 Baht ≈ 61.50 SGD
20,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 20,000 Baht ≈ 820.00 SGD
300 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 300 Baht ≈ 12.30 SGD
1,200 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 1,200 Baht ≈ 49.20 SGD
200 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 200 Baht ≈ 8.20 SGD
6,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 6,000 Baht ≈ 246.00 SGD
2,500 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 2,500 Baht ≈ 102.50 SGD
400 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 400 Baht ≈ 16.40 SGD
15,000 Baht to SGD?
➡️ 15,000 Baht ≈ 615.00 SGD