Converting 100000 Rupiah (IDR) to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) is a simple process with a currency converter, but it’s important to keep track of the exchange rate for the most accurate conversion. Since the IDR to MYR exchange rate fluctuates regularly, it’s wise to check the current rate daily to get the best value. This conversion is helpful for anyone planning to travel, shop, or conduct business between Indonesia and Malaysia. Staying informed about how the Indonesian Rupiah compares to the Malaysian Ringgit can help you manage your finances effectively. Use reliable currency converters to make quick, accurate calculations and ensure smooth transactions.
For example:
- 10 Million IDR to MYR: 10,000,000 IDR ≈ 2,796.43 MYR
- 10 Billion IDR to MYR: 10,000,000,000 IDR ≈ 2,796,430 MYR
- 10 Trillion IDR to MYR: 10,000,000,000,000 IDR ≈ 2,796,430,000 MYR
Live IDR to MYR Exchange Rate
Current IDR to MYR Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate Today:
100000 IDR = MYR [ RM 27.96 MYR ]
Last Updated: Nov 2024
Currency Converter IDR to MYR
IDR (Rupiah) | MYR (Ringgit) |
50,000 IDR | 14 MYR |
100,000 IDR | 28 MYR |
250,000 IDR | 70 MYR |
500,000 IDR | 140 MYR |
1,000,000 IDR | 280 MYR |
5,000,000 IDR | 1,400 MYR |
10,000,000 IDR | 2,800 MYR |
50,000,000 IDR | 14,000 MYR |
100,000,000 IDR | 28,000 MYR |
250,000,000 IDR | 70,000 MYR |
500,000,000 IDR | 140,000 MYR |
1,000,000,000 IDR | 280,000 MYR |
5,000,000,000 IDR | 1,400,000 MYR |
10,000,000,000 IDR | 2,800,000 MYR |
50,000,000,000 IDR | 14,000,000 MYR |
100,000,000,000 IDR | 28,000,000 MYR |
250,000,000,000 IDR | 70,000,000 MYR |
500,000,000,000 IDR | 140,000,000 MYR |
1,000,000,000,000 IDR | 280,000,000 MYR |
Indonesian Rupiah (IDR) Stats Wiki
Name | Indonesian Rupiah |
Symbol | Rp |
Minor Unit | 1/100 = Sen |
Central Bank Rate | – |
Top IDR Conversion | IDR/USD |
Top IDR Chart | IDR to GBP |
Inflation | 2.12% (2024) |
Coins | Freq Used: Rp500, Rp1000 |
Banknotes | Freq Used: Rp1,000, Rp2,000, Rp5,000, Rp10,000, |
Rp20,000, Rp50,000, Rp100,000 | |
Rarely Used | Rp 75,000 |
Central Bank | Bank Indonesia |
Website | |
Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) Stats Wiki:
Name | Ringgit Malaysia |
Symbol | RM |
Minor Unit | 1/100 = Sen |
Banknotes | Freq. Used: RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM50, RM100 |
Coins | Freq. Used: 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen, 50 sen |
Rarely Used | RM2 |
Central Bank | Bank Negara Malaysia |
Central Bank Website | Bank Negara Malaysia |
Inflation | 2.4% (2024) |
Issuance | Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional |
Printer Website | Percetakan Keselamatan Nasional |
Mint | Royal Mint of Malaysia |
Mint Website | Royal Mint of Malaysia |
Pegged by | No official currency pegging |
14 Trillion IDR to MYR?
14 Trillion IDR to MYR: Approximately 3,915,002,000 MYR
24000 IDR to MYR?
24,000 IDR to MYR: Around 6.71 MYR
74 Billion IDR to MYR?
74 Billion IDR to MYR: Around 20,693,582 MYR
103 Million IDR to MYR?
103 Million IDR to MYR: Around 28,803.23 MYR