Updated Exchange Rate: 1 Billion Won to Malaysian Ringgit

by Dewa

Updated Exchange Rate: 1 Billion Won to Malaysian Ringgit

To convert Korean Won (KRW) to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR), today’s exchange rate stands at 1 Billion KRW = 3,206,230 MYR. This simple conversion rate helps you calculate the value of Korean Won in Malaysian Ringgit effortlessly. Here are some examples based on the current rate:

  • 504 Million KRW = RM 1,615,939.92 MYR
  • 204 Million KRW = RM 654,070.92 MYR
  • 10 Billion KRW = RM 32,062,300 MYR
  • 19 Billion KRW = RM 60,918,370 MYR

If you’re looking to calculate the value in reverse, the exchange rate is 1 Billion MYR = 3,206,230 KRW.

For accurate, real-time conversions, consider using an online currency converter like DolarBerapaRupiah to check the latest rates. Always verify the rates before making any transactions to ensure you’re getting the best deal. This ensures you are making informed and up-to-date financial decisions, whether you’re traveling, investing, or managing international business transactions.

Convert Your KRW to MYR Instantly

Korean Won to Malaysian Ringgit (MYR)

Live WON To MYR​ Exchange Rate


Current WON To MYR Exchange Rate
Exchange Rate Today:
1 Billion KRW = MYR [ ₱3,206,230 PHP ]
Last Updated: Nov 2024

Currency Converter Korean Won to MYR

KRW (Korean Won)MYR (Malaysian Ringgit)
1,000,000 KRW3,206.23 MYR
10,000,000 KRW32,062.30 MYR
100,000,000 KRW320,623.00 MYR
500,000,000 KRW1,603,115.00 MYR
1,000,000,000 KRW3,206,230.00 MYR
10,000,000,000 KRW32,062,300.00 MYR
50,000,000,000 KRW160,311,500.00 MYR
100,000,000,000 KRW320,623,000.00 MYR
500,000,000,000 KRW1,603,115,000.00 MYR
1,000,000,000,000 KRW3,206,230,000.00 MYR

Korea Won (KRW) Stats Wiki

NameSouth Korean Won
Minor Unit1/100 = Jeon
Banknotes (Frequency Used)₩1, ₩5, ₩10, ₩50, ₩100, ₩500, ₩1,000, ₩5,000, ₩10,000, ₩50,000
Coins (Frequency Used)1₩, 5₩, 10₩, 50₩, 100₩, 500₩
Rarely Used₩2
Central BankBank of Korea
Central Bank WebsiteBank of Korea
Inflation Rate3.6% (2024)
IssuanceBank of Korea
MintKorea Minting and Security Printing Corporation
Mint WebsiteKorea Minting and Security Printing Corporation
Pegged byVarious currencies

Ringgit Malaysia (MYR) Stats Wiki:

NameRinggit Malaysia
Minor Unit1/100 = Sen
BanknotesFreq. Used: RM1, RM5, RM10, RM20, RM50, RM100
CoinsFreq. Used: 5 sen, 10 sen, 20 sen, 50 sen
Rarely UsedRM2
Central BankBank Negara Malaysia
Central Bank WebsiteBank Negara Malaysia
Inflation2.4% (2024)
IssuancePercetakan Keselamatan Nasional
Printer WebsitePercetakan Keselamatan Nasional
MintRoyal Mint of Malaysia
Mint WebsiteRoyal Mint of Malaysia
Pegged byNo official currency pegging


105 Million Korean Won to Ringgit?

105 Million Korean Won (KRW) = 336,654.15 MYR

10 Trillion Korean Won to Ringgit?

10 Trillion Korean Won (KRW) = 32,062,300,000 MYR

11 Billion Korean Won to Ringgit?

11 Billion Korean Won (KRW) = 35,268,530 MYR

705 Million Korean Won to Ringgit?

705 Million Korean Won (KRW) = 2,260,392.15 MYR


Dewa adalah seorang profesional perbankan berpengalaman di Indonesia. Bekerja di bank terkemuka, Benjakalyani fokus pada layanan penukaran mata uang, khususnya USD ke IDR. Dengan keahliannya, ia memastikan pelanggan mendapatkan kurs terbaik dan layanan yang tepat.Kunjungi DolarBerapaRupiah untuk informasi lebih lanjut tentang penukaran mata uang hari ini.